
Lily Hilscher
(YOG 2013)
Co. Name:Eastern Health

Current Industry Experience
Health Care & Social Assistance
Occupation Fields
Health & Community Services
Previous Industry Experience
Accommodation & Food Services Retail Trade
Previous Occupation Fields
Hospitality, Food Services & Tourism
Tertiary Level/Institution/Subject Category/Major
  • Masters Degree
    Uni of Melbourne:
    Major: Physiotherapy
  • Bachelor Degree
    Uni of Melbourne:
    Natural & Physical Sciences
    Major: Human physiology
Subjects studied at Year 12
Biology Chemistry English Maths - Further Maths - Methods PE
What do you love about your job?

That I never get bored, there are so many areas to develop my skills and new challenges every single day. Being able to help people people is an awesome bonus.

What career advice would you give to your younger self?

Trust your gut and study what you love, and by saying yes to unexpected opportunities that present themselves along the way you will never grow bored.




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